Universal Coal plc is owned by ASX Listed TerraCom Limited (ASX: TER). Universal has a portfolio of producing, development and exploration assets located across South Africa’s major coalfields. READ MORE ABOUT TERRACOM
Kangala Colliery, an open-pit, truck and shovel operation, is located 65km east of Johannesburg in the Witbank Coalfield, Mpumalanga province. Kangala produces 2.1 million tonnes of saleable coal per annum...
NCC is located 35km south of the town Witbank, comprises of opencast operation, which is extended by the underground workings at NCC Diepstruit section.
NBC is located near the state-owned utility Eskom’s Arrot, Tutukaand Komati power stations which it supplies.
The Ubuntu Project is located in the Delmas District, 20km south of our Kangala mine. Universal Coal holds a 49% interest in the project which has all regulatory authorisations granted.
Contiguous to Kangala allows for low cost expansion and long-term sustainability. Eloff has a Mining Right and Environmental Authorisation granted.
Arnot South comprises a prospecting right over 15 000ha located some 50km north-east of New Clydesdale Colliery.
The Berenice/Cygnus coking coal project is located in the Soutpansberg Coalfield 90km southwest of Musina, outside environmentally sensitive areas such as the Mapungubwe World Heritage Site and proposed environmental buffer zones.